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Enabling Tool Calls for LMs

Defining Tools with Python Functions

To streamline the process of LMs using tools, APPL provides a simple way to convert Python functions into tools that can be called by LMs. This is done by using the as_tool function, which automatically extract information from the function signature and docstring to create a tool specification from a Python function.

Docstring Format

The docstring needs to follow parsable formats like Google Style. We use docstring_parser to parse the docstring.

For example, consider the following Python function that checks whether a number is a lucky number:

import sympy

def is_lucky(x: int) -> bool:
    """Determine whether the input number is a lucky number.

        x (int): The input number to be checked.

        bool: True if the number is a lucky number, False otherwise.
    return sympy.isprime(x + 3)

It can be converted into a tool using: tool = as_tool(is_lucky), and then the tool can be expressed in a JSON format following the OpenAI schema using tool.openai_schema:

  "type": "function",
  "function": {
    "name": "is_lucky",
    "description": "Determine whether the input number is a lucky number.",
    "parameters": {
      "properties": {
        "x": {
          "description": "The input number to be checked.",
          "type": "integer"
      "required": ["x"],
      "type": "object"

Description of the Tool

The description of the tool is extracted from the docstring. The description can be configured to different detail levels, for example, to include a long description, examples, etc.

Generating and Running Tool Calls

APPL allows you to simply provide a list of Python functions as tools directly to the gen function, for example:

actions = gen(tools=[is_lucky], tool_choice="required")

Tool Calling Behavior

The tool calling behavior is useful to control how LMs call tools, which can be specified by the tool_choice parameter in the gen function. Options includes auto (default), required, none, or a specific choice. Please refer to OpenAI's Documentation for more details. APPL provides another helper function as_tool_choice to convert a function to a tool_choice, e.g. gen(tools=[is_lucky], tool_choice=as_tool_choice(is_lucky)).

The actions is a Generation object containing a list of tool calls, which can be easily executed via:

results = actions.run_tool_calls()

where the results are a list of ToolMessage objects that can be directly captured to the prompt.

Adding Tool Calls and Results to the Prompt

Both Generation and ToolMessage objects can be directly captured to the prompt. When the Generation contains tool calls, the tool calls will be captured to the prompt as a list of AIMessage objects containing the tool call information.


Complete Example

Now let's put everything together. The following code augments LM with a user-defined tool to answer a simple question:

import sympy

from appl import AIMessage, Generation, convo, gen, ppl, records

def is_lucky(x: int) -> bool:
    """Determine whether the input number is a lucky number.

        x (int): The input number to be checked.

        bool: True if the number is a lucky number, False otherwise.
    return sympy.isprime(x + 3)

def func(x):
    f"Is {x} a lucky number?"

    # Initiate the generation with tool `is_lucky``,
    # which is built into a tool by automatically extracting
    # information from the function signature and docstring.
    # And then store the tool call messages into the prompt
    (actions := gen(tools=[is_lucky]))

    if actions.is_tool_call:  # LLM choose to call the tool
        # Run the tool calls and store the resulted ToolMessages into the prompt
        (results := actions.run_tool_calls())  # results is a list of ToolMessage
        # results[0].content contains the result of the first tool call

        # Let LLM generate the text answer while providing the tool information
        answer = gen(tools=[is_lucky], tool_choice="none")
    else:  # LLM choose to generate the answer directly
        answer = actions.message

    return answer

n = 2024
ans = func(n)
print(f"The correct answer is {is_lucky(n)}.")

The conversation including the tool calls would look like this:

Role Message
User Is 2024 a lucky number?
Assistant [ToolCall(id='call_...', name='is_lucky', args='{"x":2024}')]
Tool(is_lucky) True

The output will look like this:

Yes, 2024 is a lucky number!
The correct answer is True.

Parallel Tool Calls

Similarly, let's try to reimplement the example used in OpenAI's documentation, where the amount of code is significantly reduced.

import json
from appl import gen, ppl

from typing import Literal

def get_current_weather(
    location: str, unit: Literal["celsius", "fahrenheit"] = "fahrenheit"
) -> str:
    """Get the current weather in a given location.

        location (str): The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA
    if "tokyo" in location.lower():
        return json.dumps({"location": "Tokyo", "temperature": "10", "unit": unit})
    elif "san francisco" in location.lower():
        return json.dumps({"location": "San Francisco", "temperature": "72", "unit": unit})
    elif "paris" in location.lower():
        return json.dumps({"location": "Paris", "temperature": "22", "unit": unit})
        return json.dumps({"location": location, "temperature": "unknown"})

def get_weather_for_cities():
    "What's the weather like in San Francisco, Tokyo, and Paris?"

    (actions := gen(tools=[get_current_weather]))

    if actions.is_tool_call:
        (results := actions.run_tool_calls())
        answer = gen(tools=[get_current_weather], tool_choice="none")
        answer = actions.message

    return answer


More Examples in Cookbook

Now we are able to build more complex workflows involving tool calls, like the ReAct method, as shown in this cookbook.