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Bases: BaseModel, ABC

The base class for a Tool that can be called by LLMs.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(..., description='The name of the Tool')

The name of the Tool.

openai_schema abstractmethod property

openai_schema: Dict[str, Any]

Get the OpenAI schema of the tool.


    tool_schema: Dict[str, Any],
    func: Optional[Callable] = None,

Bases: BaseTool

The Tool that has a fixed schema.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def __init__(self, tool_schema: Dict[str, Any], func: Optional[Callable] = None):
    """Create a SchemaTool from a schema dictionary."""
    if "type" not in tool_schema:
        raise ValueError("Schema must contain the 'type' field.")
    tp = tool_schema["type"]
    if tp not in ("function", "object"):
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid schema type: {tp}")
    if "name" not in tool_schema[tp]:
        raise ValueError(f"Schema must contain the 'name' field in {tp}.")
    name = tool_schema[tp]["name"]
    super().__init__(name=name, tool_schema=tool_schema)  # type: ignore
    self._func = func

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(..., description='The name of the Tool')

The name of the Tool.

tool_schema class-attribute instance-attribute

tool_schema: Dict[str, Any] = Field(
    ..., description="The schema of the tool"

The schema of the tool.


    func: Callable,
    use_short_desc: bool = False,
    **predefined: Any

Bases: BaseTool

The Tool built from a Python function, can be called by LLMs.


  • func (Callable) –

    The function to create the tool from.

  • use_short_desc (bool, default: False ) –

    Whether to use the short description instead of the full description.

  • predefined (Any, default: {} ) –

    Additional arguments for the tool.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def __init__(self, func: Callable, use_short_desc: bool = False, **predefined: Any):
    """Create a tool from a function.

        func: The function to create the tool from.
            Whether to use the short description instead of the full description.
        predefined: Additional arguments for the tool.
    name = func.__name__
    sig = inspect.signature(func)
    doc = func.__doc__
    super().__init__(name=name, **self.parse_data(sig, doc, predefined))
    self._use_short_desc = use_short_desc
    self._predefined = predefined
    self._func = func
    self.__name__ = name
    self.__signature__ = sig  # type: ignore
    self.__doc__ = doc  # overwrite the doc string

examples class-attribute instance-attribute

examples: List[str] = Field(
    [], description="The examples of the Tool"

The examples of the Tool.

info class-attribute instance-attribute

info: Dict = Field(
    {}, description="Additional information of the Tool"

Additional information of the Tool.

long_desc class-attribute instance-attribute

long_desc: str = Field(
    "", description="The long description of the Tool"

The long description of the Tool.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(..., description='The name of the Tool')

The name of the Tool.

openai_schema property

openai_schema: dict

Get the OpenAI schema of the tool.

params class-attribute instance-attribute

params: type[BaseModel] = Field(
    ..., description="The parameters of the Tool"

The parameters of the Tool.

raises class-attribute instance-attribute

raises: List[Dict[str, Optional[str]]] = Field(
    [], description="The exceptions raised by the Tool"

The exceptions raised by the Tool.

returns class-attribute instance-attribute

returns: type[BaseModel] = Field(
    ..., description="The return of the Tool"

The return of the Tool.

short_desc class-attribute instance-attribute

short_desc: str = Field(
    "", description="The short description of the Tool"

The short description of the Tool.

parse_data classmethod

    sig: Signature,
    docstring: Optional[str],
    predefined: Dict[str, Any],
) -> Dict[str, Any]

Parse data from the signature and docstring of a function.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def parse_data(
    cls, sig: Signature, docstring: Optional[str], predefined: Dict[str, Any]
) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    """Parse data from the signature and docstring of a function."""
    doc = parse(docstring or "")
    data: Dict[str, Any] = {
        "short_desc": doc.short_description or "",
        "long_desc": doc.long_description or "",

    # build params
    params = {}
    doc_param = {p.arg_name: p for p in doc.params}
    for name, param in sig.parameters.items():
        anno = param.annotation
        default = param.default

        if default is param.empty:
            default = ...  # required
        if name in doc_param:
            # fill in desc for the param
            default = Field(default, description=doc_param[name].description)
            # fill in type annotation if not annotated in the function
            if (anno is param.empty) and (doc_param[name].type_name is not None):
                # use type annotation from docstring
                anno = doc_param[name].type_name
        # replace empty annotation with Any
        if anno is param.empty:
            anno = Any
        if name not in predefined:
            params[name] = (anno, default)
    data["params"] = create_model("parameters", **params)  # type: ignore

    # build returns
    anno = sig.return_annotation
    if anno is sig.empty:
        if (doc.returns is not None) and (doc.returns.type_name is not None):
            # use type annotation from docstring
            anno = doc.returns.type_name
            anno = Any
    default = ...  # required
    if doc.returns is not None:
        # fill in desc for the return
        default = Field(..., description=doc.returns.description)
    data["returns"] = create_model("returns", returns=(anno, default))

    # build raises
    data["raises"] = [
        {"type": exc.type_name, "desc": exc.description} for exc in doc.raises

    # build examples
    data["examples"] = doc.examples
    return data


to_str() -> str

Represent the tool as a string.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def to_str(self) -> str:
    """Represent the tool as a string."""
    s = f"def {}{self.__signature__}:\n"
    s += f'    """{self.__doc__}"""'
    return s


ToolCall(**kwargs: Any)

Bases: BaseModel

The class representing a tool call.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any):
    """Create a tool call from a dictionary."""
    if "type" in kwargs:
        if kwargs["type"] == "function":
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid tool call type: {kwargs['type']}")

args class-attribute instance-attribute

args: str = Field(
    description="The arguments to call the function with.",

The arguments to call the function with.

id class-attribute instance-attribute

id: str = Field(..., description="The ID of the tool call.")

The ID of the tool call.

name class-attribute instance-attribute

name: str = Field(
    ..., description="The name of the function to call."

The name of the function to call.

from_dict classmethod

from_dict(call: Dict) -> ToolCall

Create a ToolCall from a dictionary in the OpenAI format.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def from_dict(cls, call: Dict) -> "ToolCall":
    """Create a ToolCall from a dictionary in the OpenAI format."""
    # throw error if incorrect format
    return cls(

from_openai_tool_call classmethod

    call: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall,
) -> ToolCall

Create a ToolCall from an OpenAI tool call.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def from_openai_tool_call(cls, call: ChatCompletionMessageToolCall) -> "ToolCall":
    """Create a ToolCall from an OpenAI tool call."""
    return cls(,,



Get the OpenAI format dictionary representation of the tool call.

Source code in src/appl/core/
def get_dict(self):
    """Get the OpenAI format dictionary representation of the tool call."""
    return {
        "type": "function",
        "function": {
            "arguments": self.args,